Friday, March 28, 2014

Homage to a Saint

My homage to Saint Gobnait is done. I have no lofty words of explanation. As with many of the things I make, my excuse is "my muse made me do it." I don't always understand where the ideas came from or what their significance is but I do know along the path of 'doing' I am changed. Saint Gobnait in her quirky way, along with her powerful honey bees, have reminded me that life is a delicate balance between pain and pleasure. So often it is our worry about the experiencing pain can keep us from the sweetness of life.

Sometimes it is amusing to review what was involved in making the work.
Amid the pain (HARDWOOD!) and enjoyment there was:
  • wood carving with a pen knife AND using a screw driver and drill (there's nothing more iconic than a woman holding a battery operated drill!)
  • dying with rusted metal, tea bags, flowers and plants, salt and vinegar
  • sewing and stitching by hand
  • painting Pellon and running it through the copier
  • book making and construction
  • repurposing a previously made stitchery piece (which qualifies as "reducing! Yeah!)
  • recycling a cheese box, ribbons, and off cut piece of wood (Eco points for me!)
  • goofing around with paper and glue to make the inner honey comb, paper hands and nest
  • stamping with homemade stamps on the box
  • learning ways to connect wire and paper (bees)
Saint Gobnait also taught me about one's resurrection place. The thin place where it is said one's spirit is whole, at home, with no longing or yearning to be anywhere else. It is the place one is most alive - where one is able to create, to discern and be wise. It is the inexplicable place where the physical and the eternal world meet.

I am wondering if it is a state of mind or an actual place on earth? When I am creating art I am of the mind it is a state of mind. However, some days, I tap my shinny red shoes together and plead "There's no place like home, there's no place like home. Perhaps you have insights? Obviously Saint Gobnait already knows the secret.

 little honeycomb in the upper lid

I guess when you focus on a Saint you should expect something to happen. For weeks I had dreams about bees and honeycombs, even visions of the color of honey. In my waking hours I saw the color everywhere. When spring cleaning started and paint colors were selected my husband wasn't so thrilled with her pick of colors (honey yellow) for the kitchen paint. He is, however, getting used to it. He realized right away he best not complain, the job would be put on his honey-do list!


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