Friday, January 25, 2013

She's gone

It's been 9 days since she died. For me she went too soon.
We still aren't sure why.
I miss her as do the rest. 
We keep expecting she will pop out of an empty box or from behind the TV.
I missed her terribly this week when I came home sick.
No warm cuddles or loud purring to lull me to sleep. 
I am sad that I never mastered capturing her harlequin suit of fur
in paint or sketch or photograph - she was so gorgeous, 
but those last moments together are etched on my heart.

She was a good cat and good friend.


  1. Oh Jan, I'm so sorry you lost your beautiful girl. She's a stunning kitty. I empathize with your devastation. xo

  2. So sorry for your loss Jan.She is beautiful.
    Our four legged friends do leave paw prints on our hearts.
    Take Care. g.a.s.

  3. jan, so sorry that your best friend is gone. she was a beauty.

  4. Oh Snooks - I'm so sad for you and Chuck - I know how big an empty spot one little package of fur can leave and the enormous hole in your heart. Must have been feeling your pain - its only begun to lighten a bit -sending a flock of friends your way to amuse and delight you - with love - BS

  5. Bright Blessings for a peaceful transition ...tell her to say hi to my girl " Dickerage "..I am sure they will be best friends
    And wrapu up warm with a comfy cup of tea yourself ... big hug to you .. ..milliande

  6. Thank you all for your heartfelt words and understanding.Frizzy was very friendly and I am sure she has met up with Dickerage. From their high perch I am sure they can see that Stich is sitting on my desk not a foot away. This would have been unheard of before our loss. Is he comforting me or I him? Perhaps he heard of my needs and is standing at the ready? It is unusual behavior for him.
